All the charged instances of open?liquid drowning to help you fate, “the time for you to go”

All the charged instances of open?liquid drowning to help you fate, “the time for you to go”

Parents outlined supervision of children due to the fact “watching”, but moms and dads and teens agreed one oversight try so many if a guy is actually old enough become domestic alone, knows how to swim, one to large organizations give security and therefore children “take care of each other”, distrusting lifesaver since lifeguards watch a lot of people.

Parents as well as thought that “comfort pull you off” in the water to exchange new ghost “hon ma”; commonly, they were new ghosts ones who’d drowned and placed nearest and dearest on higher risk of drowning. It identified specific lakes populated by the spirits and you can recommended that it be prevented. Teens vehemently rejected superstitions about ghosts.

The main focus communities demonstrated a residential area historically without having familiarity and feel which have diving and you will liquids facts, and you may without a supervision approach considering maturity, liquids safety education otherwise experience

Mothers and you may young ones understood Vietnamese toddlers because the risk takers compliment of fellow stress. Kids reported that they’d participate in liquids activities even in the event they might maybe not move, by concern with public exemption. Multiple related overestimating performance to liquid, swimming rather than adult education or acceptance even after insufficient swimming function, stating, “Whenever we questioned and the family won’t let’s go, i go anyway”, and employ away from alcohol even after being aware of its exposure. Men young ones stated that they certainly were more likely to take risks when up to women. Every relevant that its Vietnamese cultural viewpoints sign up to recklessness and you can ignoring safety regulations.

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