Interdependence idea posits that folks start and keep matchmaking because of the many benefits of relationships when you look at the a love [28–30]

Interdependence idea posits that folks start and keep matchmaking because of the many benefits of relationships when you look at the a love [28–30]

In addition, the need to comply with tradition and norms, or even stop stigma, you could end up better privacy about polyamorous matchmaking, particularly, when it comes to dating partners outside the number 1 matchmaking professionals. We for this reason hypothesized you to definitely from inside the polyamorous dating, the latest indicate amount of romantic secrecy would-be deeper to possess supplementary relationship versus imply quantity of romantic secrecy said for number 1 relationships (Theory cuatro). Whenever you are stigma towards the CNM has been recorded from the standard height (i.age., that folks generally like monogamy), no search until now keeps assessed how polyamorous individuals sense stigma inside their relationship, and whether greet and you will secrecy are experienced in all dating, or perhaps in facts forecast by updates of one’s dating (i.e., if or not one is first or additional).

Relationship resource and you may union procedure.

Because relationship create, the correspondence amongst people production outcomes throughout the types of benefits (e.g. sexual joy, relationships satisfaction, security), and you can can cost you (elizabeth.g. enhanced responsibility, stress or nervousness, depression, fear) . Rusbult’s Money Design [32–33], considering Interdependence Principle, shows that determination to maintain a relationship ‘s the device of five details: (1) resource dimensions, or even the direct and you may indirect resources (elizabeth.g., big date invested, cognitive interdependence, plans money for hard times) one portray the methods a person is destined to the connection; (2) satisfaction, or just how fulfilling the connection try; (3) top-notch choices, or perhaps the education to which one thinks one to a person’s needs could become satisfied an additional dating; and (4) connection, and/or subjective sign off dependency, educated as a sense of emotional accessory into companion and wish to maintain the relationship .

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