Historic people that have blue-eyes and you may blond locks:

Historic people that have blue-eyes and you may blond locks:

This new seventh millennium BC Spartan poet Alcman explained his cousin Hegesichora as the a “delighted lady off fantastic curls ” (fragment 13. 54-55 Bergk) because the Spartan poetess Megalostrata once the a beneficial ” blonde-haired maiden” (fragment 37. Bergk)

King ptolmey II from Egypt

“..of these commendable type ‘s the flaxen-haired prince which is throne in these peak flatlands. farewell, Lord Ptolemy; and that i tend to talk about thee since almost every other demi-gods..” – [Theocritus, Idylls ; 270 B.C]

Sappho’s Family

New Ancient greek poettess Sappho (who was from aristocratic origin) are dark haired (Alcaeus. fragment 55 Bergk) however, this lady daughter Cleis is understood to be ”a lady whoever tresses are yellower than just torchlight” (Sappho. fragment 98a). Additionally Sappho’s eldest cousin Charaxus is located explained from inside the Ovid as (flava) wonderful haired (Met.

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